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Explore Today’s Home Entertainment with an Audio-Visual Consultant

A casual home theater with a projector, Screen Innovations movie screen, and tan couch.

Experience Audio-Video Technology at Its Best

As an audio-visual consultant and full-service home automation and integration firm, we’ve had a close-up view of the incredible advancements in home audio-video. From 1080p to 4K Ultra HD TV displays, lamp projectors to lasers, and the advancements in architectural speakers, the landscape has transformed in miraculous ways. 

To say we’re excited to share this incredible technology with our clients would be an understatement! Here, we’ll explore just a few of the many possibilities in today’s home entertainment and how it’s transforming homes in Minneapolis, MN.

Ready to Protect Your Business?

Closeup of an access control point. 

The Role of a Professional Installer in Creating the Perfect Commercial Security System 

Dozens of businesses of all shapes and sizes across Wayzata, MN, fall victim to crime daily. Most of them would have benefited from a smart commercial security system, but hindsight is 20/20, so let’s focus on the present. You want to keep your company and employees safe. 

The good news is that protecting your business may be more straightforward and less expensive than you think, as long as a professional installer ensures all technology systems are installed just right. That’s where ResTech Systems comes in! 

Read on to learn more about the role of a professional installer and integrator in creating the perfect security system for you and your business. 

How to Get the Most from Your Sports Simulator

A golf simulator featuring a virtual caddy kiosk and ceiling projector. 

Learn More About Hybrid Experience Rooms & Sports Simulators 

No luxury smart home in Minneapolis, MN, would be complete without a home theater. It is the perfect space to enjoy both alone and family time, watching shows, films, and live events in an immersive environment. Some of our clients even opt for throwing in a sports simulator as well! But what if we told you there is a lot more entertainment just waiting to be installed at your home theater? 

At ResTech Systems, we go beyond theaters and simulators by creating hybrid experience rooms that redefine at-home entertainment. Read on to learn more about them and how they may be closer to your home than you think! 

Improve Your Home Energy Management with Innovative Technologies

A woman uses her Savant interface to adjust a smart thermostat.

Smart Home Solutions Can Help You Go Green

While smart home automation can create an ideal daily living experience throughout the entirety of your Minnetonka, MN, property, it can also help you reduce your carbon footprint. A variety of smart home solutions contribute to an effortless home energy management system and setup - allowing you to become more energy efficient with just the tap of a button.

Save energy and lower your monthly bills with smart technologies that maintain energy usage throughout your home and all throughout the year. Let’s explore how these smart solutions can help you go green below!


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